Zero Waste

Zero Waste and natural cosmetics
Zero Waste and cosmetics – does this match? And what is actually meant by the movement? In our journal we explain to all those curious people out there how it came that we as the supposedly first manufacturer of natural cosmetics felt it was high time to bring a change to the world-wide waste problem. And how it is possible to build up a meaningful system with glass. Here we’d like to introduce to you the easy way to participate in the zero-waste movement. Just vote for natural cosmetics in a closed-loop system!
Zero Waste circle – that’s how it works
Our FAIR SQUARED cosmetics are now available in smart and trendy returnable glass jars and bottles – for additional sustainability in the bathroom. But how does the system work?
- The glasses are filled by us and brought to the retailers. The different body care products can for example be found in organic stores, health food shops, and pharmacies as well as more and more so-called Zero Waste stores. All those who do not have one of our distributions nearby or prefer to shop online – head over to our online shop!
- When the glasses are empty we take them back. One way or the other: Either bring them back to the shop where you bought them or send them back to us. Please send us the minimum of 10 pieces (glass jar, bottle or tin) in one box. And please be so kind to clean the insides roughly before you bring the box to the post office. As a gift you receive a 10 € voucher for your next purchase in our shop. For retailers who take part in the system, we found another way for saying thanks. Head over to our B2B shop, where we have collected the information you need.
- The empty containers get cleaned. For this purpose we work together with a partner who removes all the cream rests and prepares the glasses for the next filling according to all hygiene regulations.
- Now they can again be filled with the popular FAIR SQUARED products. Since we have decided to establish a Zero Waste system, the glasses are now being refilled. If the caps and rubber inlays are intact, we can also reuse them. This saves valuable resources for us and the environment.
- The Zero Waste products are being sold. When every container has been refilled with its specific product, it finds its way to the shop to make a consumer happy.
Still questions unanswered? Head over to our FAQ where we’ve collected some responds to the mostly asked questions concerning our zero-waste system.