Together for a FAIR change: our friends your fair online shop
Here, everything is assembled what is green, sustainable, and fair. For every part of life. For producing partners and for you. We do not spare any efforts in our creative product development, so that you can soon solely use fair products. The result of this can be found in our fair trade online shop!

WLAB – that’s where upcycling takes place!
What Rice & Carry is doing with rice bags, is done with collected bottle caps at WLAB (Waste Less Arugam Bay). Here, little handmade upcycling masterpieces are created that fight single-use plastics. For the Rice & Carry collection, shred caps are turned into buckles and key rings. Simultanously, the collobaration for the FAIR SQUARED Eco Razor project made from waste plastic has been launched over here in Europe.

German Aidshilfe e.V.
Deutsche Aidshilfe represents the interests of people with HIV/Aids in public as well as in politics, science and medical research and raises awareness about HIV/Aids and other sexually transmitted infections. FAIR SQUARED regularly donates vegan condoms made from fairly traded natural rubber to the organisations in order to support this important work.

FAIR ZONE: fair household and garden
With FAIR ZONE, the idea was born, to position ourselves in the areas household, garden, and leisure time. The background was to offer an alternative to conventional products which are often made from plastics. The first raw material back then: fairly traded natural rubber which is also used for FAIR SQUARED condoms and period cups. Additionally, household gloves, exercise bands, balloons and seed trays had been reinvented. Step by step, more articles had followed which all have the ambitious goal to be fair to environment and producers.

FAIRMOVE: trending leisure time products from fair trade
Hobby and free time, sports and mental fitness – that sums up all the products under the brand FAIRMOVE. A little bit spiritual, a little bit back to the roots and definitely fair to the producers. The newly founded lifestyle brand directs to all of those who are seeking a me-time moment between backpacking, surfing, and attentiveness exercises.

Rice & Carry – our sustainable cooperation with Sri Lanka
A wonderful cooperation for the good. This is what describes best the story behind our collab with Rice & Carry. It all begins in spring 2019 when two people of FAIR SQUARED and FAIR ZONE go on a business trip to Sri Lanka. Immediately it was settled: there is potential for a great match. The result are various products which originate in cooperation and focus on the topic of upcycling.